viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

ensayo de ingles


Ensayo ingles


Alumno: Higinio Treviño Alfaro


Materia: ingles


Profesor: Héctor Hugo Vázquez Téllez


Escuela: Alfonso reyes








Desmonstratives, one, ones




how much is this necklace?

this one?


how much are these earrings?



how much is that necklace?

that one?


how much are those earrings?



which one? the blue one


which ones? the yellow ones


My example


How much is this phone?

How much cost these video games?

how much is this TV?
that one?

How much these cars cost?
Which one? red
What? Greys


My example


how much is this chair?

how much these microphones?

How much is that microwave?

Which one? white

What? blues






Prefences ,comparisons with adjectives.




preferences, comparisons with adjectives
which one do you prefer?

i prefer the leather one

which one do you like better / more?
i like the leather one better / more?

That one is nicer than the wool one
this one is cheaper than
the leather jacket is prettier than
it looks bigger than
it's more attractive than

my examples


which do you like more?
I prefer the weather

which do you prefer?
and larger good

climate that is better than a fan.
this is better and bigger than a fan.
the range leda only one person and gives climate air throughout the room.
looks cleaner and works better than the fan.


which do you like more?
I prefer the automatic

which do you like more?
more good, easy and cheap.

which is better than the standard automatic.
This is bigger and cheaper.
the automatic is easy to handle and better belts and the standard is very difficult handling and brakes.



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